27 April 2023

The third act

I feel that this is story might, one day, have more to tell but for the moment this is the third act.

Act 1 was an email from Sid who reported his father's medal were stolen.

Act 2 was the medals being sent to me and then returned to Sid. Here is the story.

Act 3 was an email I received recently from Robert in New Zealand which said:

I am a medal mounter in Christchurch NZ, and have been given a medal that was found in a box of buttons in an op shop!
It is a Burma Star awarded to J S Cowling   #21419.
It would be good to see if this could be returned to a family member, and wonder if you can assist with this.

As soon as I saw the name it was familiar to me and I remembered the back story. The mystery is why are there two Burma Stars named to the same person without a D for duplicate or R for replacement stamped on the medal. And, how did it end up in New Zealand. These are probably questions I'll never know the answer to.
Thank you so much to Robert who took the step to see this medal returned.

The returned medal tally is now 2797.

1 comment:

  1. Glyn, I have in my possession "The Atlantic Star", belonging to 23160 F. HAILSTONES. This was found in an Op Shop in Gympie QLD. The recipient was from Victoria. What is my nxt plan of attack.
    Denis C Mulvihill
